Wednesday, October 19, 2016


FIDM is the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising an located in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Orange County. The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising is a for-profit college in California. It offers courses in fashion, entertainment, beauty, interior design, and graphic design and more. I learned that the generation we are living in today doesn't want to be sold anything. So this means that's it's getting tougher for brands, stores, etc to sell and market their products. For example now brands have to connect with us through social media to reach to us in a matter that will get our attention and reach our hearts. Also I learned that fashion technology is advancing more. When the instructor from FIDM came she talked about the the new "smart stores" located her in the Bay Area in San Francisco. Basically the smart store is clothing store in which you get into a fitting room and then you're able to select the clothing of your choice through a digital touch screen, then when you're done choosing what you selected an employ from their will have your garment that you chose ready to be fitted. How cool is that! Now you don't have to stress of walking around looking for your size, color, style, etc. I'm truly excited to learn more about the fashion and designs of this era.
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