Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Teamwork is very important because it's a skill you will be needing to be well at for future jobs, school projects, and more. One of the Pros of teamwork is having a lot of ideas coming in through anything that you're doing. For example if you're thinking of name to call your project, when everyone contributes you can get a variety of creative names, of course when all minds are brought to one. Also the benefits of teamwork can help you get everything done at a rapid pace efficiently. One of the cons of teamwork is socializing to the extreme of not getting anything done and not using your time wisely. I feel that if you have a friend in your class, group, etc you're are most likely to get distracted and get out of focus. Also another negative thing of teamwork is not everybody putting in their effort into the work. Some people really just don't care of the grade they will get and some just don't feel comfortable sharing out their ideas. Overall, teamwork can be a good skill or bad one.
Photo Credits: https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/teamwork-diversity-20471736.jpg

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